Sharing our inclusive and trauma-informed approach

Last week, Dr Rachel Hughes had the privilege to share with the Wales Trauma-informed Framework National Steering Group the inclusive and trauma-informed approaches we’ve been taking within Public Map Platform.
The Wales Trauma-informed Framework was launched in 2022. It outlines a societal approach to understanding, preventing, and supporting the impacts of trauma and adversity. With a cross-sector membership of people with lived experience and professional expertise the National Steering Group advises and supports Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Hub Wales and Traumatic Stress Wales in the implementation of the Framework ensuring that co-production and co-delivery remain a central commitment.
The Group were very interested to hear about the practical approaches that we have been taking to support the team and the delivery of Public Map Platform activities in an inclusive and trauma-informed way, and how these could help inform how we collectively enable conversations about being a trauma-informed nation.
Thank you to Dr Jo Elliot, Co-chair of the Steering Group and Programme Director for ACEs, Criminal Justice and Violence Prevention at Public Health Wales for the invitation to share our work.